Feb 23, 2024
This blog, and permanence
I want this to exist in its moment. I also want it to exist in the future. I'd like for people to hypothetically be able to read it just for fun at any time. Maybe they won't! There's lots of reasons not to do so, and I'm about to kinda just talk about the concept of a website itself, which I worry might be tiresome for others. Fuck it, though: it's not tiresome to me.
As I write this, I've been unhappy at not having touched the site for a bit. I'm working on a story that I'm pretty happy with, but I still have some informational sections I'd like to fill out. All of this is just because I get distracted. But I've also been wanting to add a blog section because I started remembering a beautiful thing: websites.
These days many of us poor lost souls are on the social medias, but I'm old enough to remember when there were websites. Lots of them. I liked it when they were one person's little treasure trove to explore. I liked checking in to see if there was a new update. So I just wanted to put fun stuff on my site!
Here's the thing though: I had to decide what I'd actually post here. I post online all the time. I got a backloggd where I type some manic thoughts about games, though I could maybe add more or expand upon them here. I have twitter, which I will always call twitter because calling it anything else is cop behavior, where sometimes I still post one-liners or interact with people. I also have cohost, a website where I can post bigger stuff. I even post my short stories there alongside the site. So what exists for the sake of this website? Why would anyone want to come here instead of there?
The answer to that can only be personal, but the fact that I was posting my stories both here and on a social media site provides one clue: I wanted to get them out there where people could see them, but I also wanted a place where they could live permanently. The things I post on those other sites feel ephemeral to me. They're not! Not really! Especialy backloggd which has all my stuff in a big list and anyone can comb over it. The other sites, though, have feeds. Stuff scrolls over them from different sources and I don't like tagging much so ultimately, it's kinda out of sight out of mind before long. Sites like that HAVE archives but they aren't archives themselves. I don't think there's actually anything wrong with that, and I am well aware that plenty of the most famous tweets get dug up all the time. These feelings are not entirely wrong, but they're vibes-based. Still, for me personally, I posted my stories on Cohost to put them in front of people's eyes and I posted them here so that I'd have them. Until Neocities or whatever goes away since nothing is actually permanent, all things will perish in time etc etc etc.
So, that's what goes in the blog: things I want to keep around. How often will I create such a thing? Will I go back and find the previous examples of such things? Do I want really personal stuff here or just goofs? I dunno yet! It'll probably be months before I blog again. In the meantime, though, I do want to include something nice and delightful and there's no reason why I can't have images on this site. Therefore: I went into Paint and tried to freehand draw a Cerberus with the pencil tool but I was too lazy to try with the ears or nose or anything at all so the heads kinda look more like mice than dogs to me.