About Me
I keep revising this page, because things keep changing in big ways. For now, understand this much: We're a collection of weird people who share a body and a life. This is a website for posting blogs and the fiction we write, and while none of us identify with the cat-witch Pewter in the stories the way we did when we started this site, it's still the name for now. We generally refer to ourselves with "I" and "My" and such, out of habit and because it doesn't usually matter who's in control at the time, but as we build up this page, then it makes sense to informal and separate here.
- Mira
- A cat. Shy, but likes attention and affection anyway. Has a spiritual outlook on things. Agender, but fine with being referred to in whatever way. Vary it up a little.
- July
- Mostly a woman with a chinchilla fursona, but probably our most "human" aspect. She can be stubborn and tends to overthink things and fret too much, but she has a warm and loving heart full of kindness. She thinks very poetically.
- Viper
- A dragon or a demon or whatever he feels like calling himself in the moment. Our most masculine aspect, though certainly still located in the hazy middle of gender with the rest of us. He's easily distracted sometimes, and capable of strong concentration at others. Despite that, he's the best at keeping a cool head when dealing with others, and has a strong sense of responsibility.
- Trinket
- A girl-shaped doll, like a ball-jointed doll. Might appear as a human or anthropomorphic mink doll depending on if she's trying to keep up with the rest of us. Loves things that are pink and cute. Her energy levels are very low, and she's not naturally capable of feeling emotions very strongly, so she depends on the rest of us to ground herself. That said, she's an expert at proactively taking control when we suffer an anxiety attack, and can cut them off with very little effort. She always wants to tell the people in her life how much she loves them.